Northwest Washington Scholastic Chess: Extensive School Chess Info! Calendar of events, State ratings, and a lot more!
Chess Odyssey: News, instruction, tournaments, camps--this site has it all for chess students! Chessmaster Pete Prochaska's website.
The Chess Warehouse Links to just about every chess site you could want. Another great site--great links, too!
Internet Chess.Com Called by many the best chess website of all: tons of lessons, coaching pages; if you can't find it here, or in the links at the top and down the left side, you probably won't find it at all.
Puget Sound Chess Connection The place to go for information on the Puget Sound chess scene, including lessons.
Chess For Success Youth chess organization and website for Oregon. Julie Young, Executive Director. 1030 NW 113th Ave. Portland, OR 97229-5622. 503-520-8960 A great place to buy books, sets, software. Has lots of chess news, articles and chess puzzles. Operated by IM Orlov.
The Chess House A huge chess store with books, software, sets, computers--you name it. Free catalog.
Cascade Chess Club: A Chess Club In the Vancouver, WA area
US Chess Federation: USCF general services, including updated rating reports
Chess Cafe: Extensive website, well-written articles, up-to-date chess news, chess archive.
Chess Corner: Another good website.
Eastern Wash. Scholastic Chess Website What's happening in Eastern Washington Scholastic Chess.