ABE Abeka, Lynden
ACA Apolostic Christian Ac., Kennewick
ADM Adams ES, Seattle
ADU Adults
ADW Adams School, Wapato
AES Amistad ES, Kennewick
AEV Alt Sch 5 (Coho), Seattle
AJH Aylen JHS, Puyallup
ALC Allen Creek ES, Marysville
ALD Alderwood ES, Bellingham
ALL Allen ES, Bow
ALO Alcott ES, Redmond
ALS Alternative S #1, Seattle
ALT All Saints School, Spokane
AMI Amistad ES, Moses Lake
AMS Alderwood MS, Lynnwood
AMY Amity ES, ?
ANA Anacortes MS
APL Apple Valley ES, Yakima
ARC Arcadia ES, Deer Park
ARL Arlington ES
ASA All Saints School, Puyallup
ASN Assumption S, Seattle
AST Assumption School, Bellingham
ATM Ahtanum ES, Yakima
AUB Auburn HS
AUR Auburn Riverside HS
AWA Annie Wright Academy, Tacoma
BAG Bailey-Gatzert, Seattle
BAI Bainbridge Island HS
BAK Baker MS, Tacoma
BAL Ballard HS
BAM Badger Mountain ES, Richland
BAT Battle Ground HS, Vancouver
BAY Bay view ES, Burlington
BCO Bellingham Co-op
BCS Bear Creek School, Redmond
BCW Bear Creek ES, Woodinville
BCX British Columbia Schools
BEA Beacon Hill ES, Seattle
BEE Beach ES, Lummi Island
BEN Ben Franklin ES, Kirkland
BET Bertschi School, Seattle
BES Bethany ES, Portland, Oregon
BHE Neacon Hill ES, Kelso
BHM Bellingham HS
BHR Hoston Harbor ES, Olympia
BHL Brant Homelinks
BIL Big Lake ES, Sedro Woolley
BIR Birchwood ES, Bellingham
BLA Blanchet HS, Seattle
BLE Blaine ES
BLK Blake ES, Spokane
BLL Bellevue HS
BLN Blaine MS, HS
BLS Bethlehem Lutheran S., Kennewick
BLW Blackwell ES, Sammamish
BMS Bainbridge Island MS
BMT School Code Not Recognized
BNT Bennett ES, Bellevue
BON Bonney Lake ES, Sumner
BOR Bordeaux ES, Shelton
BOT Bothell HS
BOW Bowdish JHS, Spokane
BRA Branonby, Eatonville
BRC Brookdale Christian
BRH Ben Rush ES, Redmond
BRI Brighton ES, Lynnwood
BRK Brookside ES, Shoreline
BRR Brier ES, Brier
BRT Bryant ES, Tacoma
BRW Brierwood ES, ?
BRY Bryant ES, Seattle
BTD Brentwood ES, Spokane
BTH Broadview-Thompson ES, Seattle
BTM Brier Terrace MS, Lynnwood
BUC Buckingham ES, Portland, Oregon
BUR Burlington-Edison (7-12)
BUS Bush School, Seattle
BVE Bernice Vossbeck ES, Lynden
CAC Cascade MS, Sedro Woolley
CAJ Cascade JHS, Auburn
CAM Camano Island
CAP Capital HS, Olympia
CAR Carl Cozier ES, Bellingham
CAS Cascade HS, Everett
CAX California players
CCA C. Christian Academy, Wenatchee
CCS Country Christian ES, Pasco
CDA Coeur D'Alene Academy - Idaho
CDE Cascade ES, Kennewick
CED Cedarcrest School, Marysville
CEE Central Elementary, Ferndale
CEN Centennial ES, Olympia
CES Columbia ES, Mukilteo
CEW Cedar Way ES, ?
CGM Children's Garden Mont., Richland
CGV Cougar Valley ES, Silverdale
CHC Columbia Heights Chr., Longview
CHE Columbia Heights ES, Longview
CHJ Chief Joseph MS, Richland
CHH Chewelah HS, Spokane
CHK Chief Kanim MS, Fall City
CHL Christian Life, Federal Way
CHN Cohom Noms School, Seattle
CHS Chase MS, Spokane
CHW Charles Wright Ac., Tacoma
CKT CK Mates (homeschooled), Bremerton
CLB School Code Not Recognized
CLC Central Lutheran Christian, Tacoma
CLE Cleveland HS, Seattle
CLH Clyde Hill ES, Medina
CLK Clear Lake ES
CLN Cloniara HS (Spokane area)
CMA Camas Elementary
CML Carmichael MS, Richland
CMS Cascade MS, Longview (grades 6+)
COB Colbert ES, Spokane
COE Cornerstone Christian, Vancouver
COL Columbia ES, Bellingham
CON Concordia, Tacoma
COO Copper Mountain ES
COR Columbia River HS, Vancouver
COT Cottonwood ES, Bremerton
COU Coupeville ES
CPK Clover Park HS (Tapco League)
CPL College Place MS, Edmonds
CPM School Code Not Recognized
CPT Captain Strong, Vancouver
CRE Crestwood ES, Bonney Lake
CRM Cedar River MS
CSC Cascade MS, Vancouver
CSE Crystal Springs, Bothell
CTK Christ the King, Richland
CTL School Code Not Recognized
CTW Cottonwood ES, Yakima
CTY City School, Spokane
CUE Custer ES
CUH Curtis HS, Tacoma
CUR Curtis JHS, Tacoma
CUS Custer ES, Tacoma
CYV Canyon View ES, Kennewick
DAV Da Vinci MS, Portland, Oregon
DCA Dynamic Christian Academy, Spokane
DCT Decatur ES, Seattle (w/ AEII)
DCV Discovery MS, Vancouver
DEC Decatur HS, Federal Way
DGH Discovery ES, Gig Harbor
DIM Dimmitt MS, Renton
DIS Discovery ES, Issaquah
DML Discover ES, Moses Lake
DPE Deer Park Elementary
DPH Deer Park High School
DPM Deer Park Middle School
DRM Drum Intermediate, Tacoma
DSC Discovery, Spokane
DUE Duniway ES, Portland, Oregon
EAG Eagleridge ES, Ferndale
EAO East Olympic ES, Tumwater
EAS Eastside Christian School, Bellevue
EBE Ebenezar Christian, Lynden
ECH Echo Lake ES, Shoreline Dist.
ECS Evergreen Christian, Bellingham
EDI Edison ES, Bow
EDM Edmonds ES
EDS Edison School, Eugene, Oregon
EDW Edmonds-Woodway HS
EGN Evergreen ES, Spokane
EHS Evergreen HS, Vancouver
EIN Einstein MS, Shoreline (Seattle)
EIS Eisenhower ES, Vancouver
ELB Ellensberg HS
ELL Ellsworth ES, Vancouver
EMD Emily Dickinson ES, Redmond
EME Emerson ES, Pasco
EMH Emerald Heights ES, Silverdale
EMS Eckstein MS, Seattle
ENA Enatai ES, Bellevue
ENH Enumclaw HS
ENS Einstein ES, Redmond
EPI Epiphany, Seattle
EPO East Port Orchard ES
ERE Eagle Rock K-5, Duvall
ERG East Ridge ES, Woodinville
ESC Eastside Catholic, Bellevue
EVE Everett HS
EVG Evergreen School, Shoreline
EVM Evergreen ES, Mountlake Terrace
EVR Everson ES
EVS Evergreen ES. Spanaway
EXW Explorer West MS, Seattle
FAI Fairmount ES, Mukilteo
FAR Farwell ES, Colbert
FCA Faith Christian Academy, Pasco
FED Federal Way HS
FEL Felida ES, Vancouver
FER Ferndale HS
FES Finley ES, Kennewick
FHV Fairhaven MS, Bellingham
FID Fidalgo ES, Anacortes
FIN Finley MS, Kennewick
FIS Fisher's Landing ES, Vancouver
FLU Faith Lutheran, Lacey
FMS Fernwood MS, Portland, Oregon
FNW School Code Not Recognized
FOR Ford MS, Tacoma
FOS Foss HS, Tacoma
FRA Franklin HS, Seattle
FRD Forest Ridge, Bellevue
FRE Freeman ES, Spokane
FRI French Immersion S. of WA
FRK Franklin MS, Yakima
FRO Frontier JHS, Vancouver
FRP Franklin Pierce HS, Tacoma
FRR Ferris HS, Spokane
FSH Fischer ES, Lynden
FST Foster HS, Tukwila
FTR School Code Not Recognized
FTV Ft. Vancouver HS, Vancouver
FWP Federal Way Public Academy
GAF Garfield ES, Toppenish
GAI Gaiser MS, Vancouver
GAR Garfield HS, Seattle
GAU Gault MS, Tacoma
GCA Grace Church Awanas, Burien
GCL Grace Lutheran, Wenatchee
GEN Geneva ES, Bellingham
GFD Garfield ES, Olympia
GIG Gig Harbor HS
GJS Granger Jr.-Sr. HS
GMS Glover MS, Spokane
GOL Goldendale K-8
GPS Gonzaga Prep Sch, Spokane
GRA Gray MS, Tacoma
GRF School Code Not Recognized
GRH Gregory Heights ES, Burien
GRI Griffin School, Olympia
GRL Greenlake ES, Seattle
GRN Grant ES, Spokane
GRT Grant ES, Wenatchee
HAL Hallett ES, Medical Lake
HAM Hamblen ES, Spokane
HAN Hansen ES, Olympia
HAR Harmony ES, Vancouver
HCS Heritage Christian School, Bothell
HCT Heritage Christian School, Tacoma
HDP Homeschooled Deer Park team
HEA Heatherwood MS, Mill Creek
HES Hathaway ES, Washougal
HHH Horse Heavens MS, Kennewick
HHS Hanford HS
HIG Highlands MS, Kennewick
HIH School Code Not Recognized
HLR Hollyrood ES, Portland, Oregon
HLY Hollywood Hills ES, Woodinville
HMC Homelink, Camas
HMI Hockinson MS
HMN Horace Mann ES, Redmond
HMS Hanford MS
HMY Harmony ES, Bellinghham
HOC Hockinson Intermediate
HOF School Code Not Recognized
HOL Holy Rosary, Tacoma
HOM Homelink, Battle Ground
HOP Hockinson Primary School
HOR Horizon MS, Ferndale
HOS Hosanna Christian, Vancouver
HPT Harbour Pointe MS, Mukilteo
HPV Happy Valley ES, Bellingham
HPY Happy Medium School, Seattle
HSC Home Schooling
HSS Hillside Stu. Comm., Eastgate
HTN Hamilton MS, Seattle
HUN Hunt MS, Tacoma
HVE School Code Not Recognized
ICR Immaculate Conception, Mt. Vernon
ICS International Community School
IDX Idaho schools
IHS School Code Not Recognized
ILL Illahee JH, Federal Way
IMA Image ES, Vancouver
IMS Islander MS, Mercer Island
INM Ingraham HS, Seattle
INT Interlake HS, Bellevue
IPE Island Park ES, Mercer Island
IRE Irene Reither Primary, Meridian
ISM Issaquah MS
ISE Issaquah Valley ES, Issaquah
ISO Isom ES, Lynden
ISS Issaquah HS
JAC Jackson HS, Mill Creek
JAL Jason Lee ES, Vancouver
JCA John Calvin ES, Yarrow
JCE John Campbell ES, Selah
JDS Jewish Day School of Sea, Bellevue
JEF Jefferson ES, Everett
JFP Jefferson ES, Pullman
JFR Jefferson ES, Mount Vernon
JFN Jefferson ES, Richland
JHY John Hay ES
JLE School Code Not Recognized
JML John McLoughlin MS, Pasco
JMR John Muir ES, Kirkland
JSI John Stanford International
JWE Jacob Wismer ES, Portland, Oregon
KAK Kamiakin HS, Kennewick
KAM Kamiak HS, Mukilteo
KAP Kappowsin ES
KEI Keithly MS, Tacoma
KEL Kellogg MS, Seattle
KEN Kentridge HS, Kent
KES Kendall ES, Sumas
KHS Kitsap Homeschool
KIL Kilo JHS, Federal Way
KIN King's JHS, HS, Seattle
KIW King's Way Christian, Vancouver
KJH Kirkland JHS
KMA Kellogg Marsh ES, Marysville
KMN Kamiakin JHS, Kirkland
KMS Kamachin MS, Lacey
KRV Keene-Riverview ES, Prosser
KTL Kentlake HS, Kent
KUL Kulshan MS, Bellingham
LAD Lakewood JHS, HS, English Crossing
LAF LaFayette ES, Seattle
LAK Lakes HS, Tacoma
LAM Laurin MS, Vancouver
LAN Langley MS, Clinton
LAR Larrabee ES, Bellingham
LAU Laurelhurst ES, Seattle
LAW Lawton ES, Seattle
LBD Little Blessings ES, Deer Park
LBR Liberty Ridge ES, Sumner
LBY Libby Center, Spokane
LCC Longview Chess Club (temp. code)
LCH Life Christian School, Tacoma
LCS Liberty Christian School, Richland
LEC Lewis & Clark ES, Richland
LES Chief Leschi ES, Seattle
LFP Lake Forest Park ES, Shoreline
LHS Legacy HS, Vancouver
LHT Loyal Heights ES, Seattle
LIB Liberty Christian, Richland
LIC Lincoln HS, Tacoma
LID Lidgerwood ES, Spokane
LIE Lincoln ES, Olympia
LIN Lincoln MS, Pullman
LIO Lincoln ES, Vancouver
LIT Lincoln ES, Toppenish
LIV Ruth Livingston ES, Pasco
LJH Lakota JHS
LKC Lakewood Chess Club, (S. Tacoma)
LKD Lakeridge ES, Mercer Island
LKE Lake Wilderness ES, ?
LKR Lakeridge JHS, Bonney Lake
LKS Lakeshore ES, Vancouver
LLL Lowell ES, Bellingham
LMA Louisa Alcott ES, Redmond
LME Little Mountain ES, Mt. Vernon
LMI Lewisville MS, Battle Ground
LMS Lakeside MS, Seattle
LNW Linwood ES, Spokane
LOL Lowell ES, Tacoma
LOW Lowell ES, Seattle
LPB LP Brown ES, Olympia
LSE Lakeside ES, Nine Mile Falls
LSP Lakeside MS, Spokane
LSS Lakeside School, Seattle
LST Lake Stevens HS
LUU Lucile Umbarger ES, Burlington-Ed.
LVC Longview Christian School
LWA Lake Washington HS, Kirkland
LWC Lewis & Clark HS, Spokane
LWE Lowell ES, Everett
LYC Lynden Christian School
LYE Lynden MS, HS
LYN Lynnwood HS
MAN Mann ES, Tacoma
MAP Maplewood ES, ?
MAR Marshall ES, Olympia
MAS Mason MS, Tacoma
MAT Mattawa
MBJ Mount Baker JHS, Kent
MBK Mount Baker HS, Deming
MBR Mount Baker ES, Seattle
MCA Christa McAuliffe ES, Sammamish
MCC McClure MS, Seattle
MCE Mill Creek ES
MCG McGee ES, Pasco
MCL McLane ES, Olympia
MCO McLoughlin MS, Vancouver
MCR Mercer Island HS
MDD Meadowdale ES, Spokane
MDE Meadowdale MS, Edmonds
MDH School Code Not Recognized
MDI Meridian MS, Bellingham
MDR Meadow Ridge ES, Spokane
MDS Madison ES, Everett
MEA Meadowdale HS, Lynnwood
MED Medina ES, Bellevue
MEE Meeker ES, Puyallup
MEK Meeker MS
MEL Meadowdale ES, Lynnwood
MER Mercer MS, Seattle
MES Maple ES, Seattle
MET Metro Parks, Tacoma
MGV McGilvra ES, Seattle
MHE Maple Hill ES, Issaquah
MHS Mead HS, Spokane
MID Midway IS, Des Moines
MIS miscellaneous out of state
MLC Moses Lake Christian
MLK Martin Luther King ES, Seattle
MLK Martin Luther King, Jr. ES, Yakima
MLL Medical Lake HS
MLN School Code Not Recognized
MLP Mill Plain ES, Vancouver
MLT Mountlake Terrace HS
MMH McMicken Heights
MMS Mead MS (Spokane)
MNK School Code Not Recognized
MNN Mountainview ES, Lacey
MNT Montlake ES, Seattle
MNV Mountain View HS, Vancouver
MNY Meany MS, Seattle
MOH Kinder Montessori, Oak Harbor
MON Monroe HS
MOV Mount Vernon HS
MOT Monticello MS, Longview
MPK Meadowpark MS, Portland, Oregon
MPL Maple Grove ES, Vancouver
MPO Mill Pond, Yelm
MRD Meridian HS, Bellingham
MRI Meridian School, Seattle
MRN Marrion School, Vancouver
MRP Meridian Park ES, Shoreline
MRR Mariner HS, Mukilteo
MSH Marshall ES, Marysville
MSP Mount Spokane HS, Spokane
MTA School Code Not Recognized
MTB Muckleshoot Tribal School, Auburn
MTE Mountlake Terrace ES, Mlk. Terrace
MTN Mountain View ES, Ferndale
MTS Mount Si HS, North Bend
MTT Mt. Tahoma HS, Tacoma
MTV Mountain View ES, Snoqualmie
MTW Mark Twain ES, Kirkland
MTX Montana schools
MUL Mullen Road ES, Spokane
MVE School Code Not Recognized
MVF School Code Not Recognized
MVP Mountain View ES, Puyallup
MVW Mission View ES, Wenatchee
MVX Mount Vernon Christian HS
MVY School Code Not Recognized
MYV Marysville MS
NAC Naches MS
NAI School Code Not Recognized
NAR Narrows View ES, University Place
NBD North Bend ES
NBL N. Bellingham ES, Ferndale
NCL North Central HS, Spokane
NCY North City ES, Shoreline (Seattle)
NEJ New Jerusalem Christian, Tacoma
NET School Code Not Recognized
NHC New Hope Christian, Graham
NHH Nathan Hale HS, Seattle
NJH Northshore JHS, Bothell
NLE Northlake ES, grades K-5, Longview
NOM New Options MS, Seattle
NOV NOVA School, Olympia
NOR Northern Heights ES, Bellingham
NPT Newport Heights
NRC North Creek S, Bothell
NSC N Seattle Christian S
NVL Nooksack Valley MS & HS
NVM School Code Not Recognized
NVY Nooksack Valley ES
NWB North Whidbey MS
NWC NW Christian HS, Spokane
NWD Northwood MS, Spokane
NWM Northwest Montessori, Seattle
NWP North Wall Primary, Spokane
NWS Northwest School, Seattle
OAK Oak Harbor ES
OCH Ellen Ochoa MS, Pasco
ODE O'Dea HS, Seattle
OES Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, Oregon
OHR Oak Harbor HS
OHS Olympia HS
OLB Olympic View ES, Oak Harbor
OLY Olympic HS, Silverdale
OMS Odle MS, Bellevue
ONW Olympic NW S, Bellevue
OPS Opstad ES, North Bend
OPW Open Window School, Bellevue
ORA Orca ES, Seattle
ORH Orchards ES, Vancouver
ORO Orondo ES
ORW Ordway ES, Bainbridge Island
ORX Oregon schools
OVL The Overlake School, Redmond
OVS Olympic View ES, Seattle
OWS Olympia Waldorf School, Olympia
PAR Parkview ES, Bellingham
PAS Pasco High School
PAT (retired code; replacing, LV)
PCM Pacific Crest Montessori, Seattle
PCS Portland Christian Schools, Vancouver, WA
PER Perkins School, Seattle
PHS Puyallup HS
PIN Pinewood ES, Marysville
PIO Pioneer ES, Olympia
PIR School Code Not Recognized
PJH Pacific JHS, Vancouver
PKR Peter Kirk ES, Kirkland
PLE Pleasant Valley MS, Vancouver
PLG Pleasant Glade, Olympia
PLK Pine Lake MS, Sammamish
PMI Pacific MS, Vancouver
POC Portland Christian, Oregon
POP Pope ES, Puyallup
PPE Picnic Point ES, Mukilteo
PRE Prune Hill ES, Camas
PRG Progress ES, Spokane
PRH Prairie High School, Vancouver
PRK Park MS, Kennewick
PSP Pioneer ES, Spokane
PUL Pullman HS
PUY School Code Not Recognized
PVP Pleasant Valley Primary, Vancouver
QUE Quest ES, Puyallup
RDM Redmond ES
RED Redmond HS
REJ Redmond JHS
REL Robert E. Lee ES, Wenatchee
RES Roosevelt ES, Bellingham
RFK Robert Frost ES, Kirkland
RFR Robert Frost ES, Pasco
RGV Ridge View ES, Kennewick
RHJ Rose Hill JH
RIC Richland HS
RID Ridgewood ES, ?
RIE School Code Not Recognized
RIF Ridgefield HS, Vancouver
RIG Ridgeview ES, Spokane
RIK Rieke, Portland, Oregon
RIV Riverview ES, Vancouver
RKW Rockwell ES, Redmond
RMO Reeves MS, Olympia
ROG John Rogers HS, Puyallup
ROO Roosevelt HS, Seattle
RSC Riverside Christian, Yakima
RSH Rose Hill ES, Kirkland
RSV Roosevelt ES, SPokane
RTP Ridgetop JHS, Silverdale
RVH Riverview HS, Kennewick
SAA School Arts & Academics, Vancouver
SAC Sacajawea ES, Seattle
SAH School Code Not Recognized
SAI St. Paul's Primary, Bellingham
SAL Salk MS, Spokane
SAM Sammamish HS, Bellevue
SAN Saint Ann, Seattle
SAR Sacred Heart, Bellevue
SAS Seattle Academy of Arts, Sciences
SAT St. Thomas More, Lynnwood
SBA South Bay ES, Lacey
SBY Seabury School, Federal Way
SCB St. Charles Borromeo, U. Place
SCC S. Everett Neighborhood Chess Club
SCD Seattle Country Day
SCH Shorecrest, Shoreline (Seattle)
SCJ Sacajawea ES, Richland
SCR Salmon Creek ES, Vancouver
SCS St. Catherine's School, Seattle
SDV Soundview ES
SEA Selah ES
SED Sedro Woolley HS
SEH Seattle Hill ES, Snohomish
SEI School Code Not Recognized
SFM Snoqualmie Falls Montessori
SGS St. George School, Spokane
SHA Shaw Island ES
SHC Shoreline Christian
SHE Sherwood ES, Edmonds
SHH Shahala MS, Vancouver
SHK Shuksan MS, Bellingham
SHM Sehome HS, Bellingham
SHO Shorewood ES, Burien
SHS Sunny Hills ES, Sammamish
SHV Shelton View ES, Kenmore
SIF Sifton ES, Vancouver
SIL Silver Beach ES, Bellingham
SJA Sarah J. Anderson ES, Vancouver
SJB St. Joseph, Vancouver
SJC Seattle Jewish Community School
SJK St. Joseph's, Kennewick
SJN St. John's, Seattle
SJO St. Joseph's, Seattle
SJV St. John Vianney, Spokane
SJW St. Joseph's, Wenatchee
SKC Skagit CC (homeschooled)
SKL Skyline ES, Lake Stevens
SKN Skyline HS
SKV Skyview HS, Vancouver
SKY Skyline ES, Ferndale
SLK St. Luke's, Shoreline
SLM Surprise Lake MS, ?
SLV Silver Firs ES, Everett
SMA St. Mary's ES, Spokane
SMH Samish ES, Sedro Woolley
SMN Sumner HS
SMO St. Thomas Moore, Spokane
SMS Snoqualmie MS
SMV School Code Not Recognized
SNI Sunset ES, Issaquah
SNO Snohomish HS
SOA Soap Lake schools
SOM Somerset ES, Bellevue
SOU Southside MS
SOW South Whidbey IS
SPA Spanaway JHS & HS, Tacoma
SPI Spinning ES, Puyallup
SPK St. Patrick's, Pasco
SPR Seattle Prep School
SPT Spiritridge ES, Bellevue
SPU School Code Not Recognized
SRE Shaw Road ES, Puyallup
SSM Samantha Smith ES, Sammamish
SSV Sunset View ES, Kennewick
STA Star of the Sea School, Bremerton
STC St. Charles, Tacoma
STD Stadium HS, Tacoma
STE Stewart MS, Tacoma
STH School Code Not Recognized
STI St. Joseph, Issaquah
STJ St. Joseph ES, Yakima
STL Stella Schola MS, Redmond
STM St. Matthew's, Seattle
STN Stanwood HS
STP Stevens Intermediate, Pasco
STR Southridge ES, Vancouver
STS Saint Michael's, Olympia
STT St. Thomas, Bellevue
STV Stevenson ES, Bellevue
SUE Sunrise elementary, Kent
SUM Sumas ES
SUN Sunnyland ES, Bellingham
SUR Sunrise Academy, Puyallup
SUY Sunnyside HS
SVE Summitview ES, Yakima
SVM School Code Not Recognized
SVS Stevens ES, Seattle
SVW Seaview ES, Edmonds
SWC Shorewood Christian, Burien
SWH Shorewood HS, Shoreline (Seattle)
SWM Sherwood MS, Tigard, Oregon
SWS Seattle Waldorf School
SYL Sylvester MS, Burien
SYR Syre ES, Shoreline
TCP Tri-Cities Prep, Pasco
TEC The Enrichment Cooperative, Spokane
TEN Ten Mile Creek ES
TER School Code Not Recognized
THR Thoreau ES, Redmond
THS Toppenish HS
TMC Timbercrest MS, Woodinville
TMS Toppenish MS
TNS The Northwest School, Seattle
TOP TOPS at Seward ES, Seattle
TOT Totem JHS, Fed. Way
TRI Trinity School, Spokane
TRU Truman ES, Vancouver
TTF Totem Falls S, Snohomish
TTM T.T. Minor
TUM Tumwater Hill ES
TXX Texas players (!)
UCD University Child Development, Sea.
UCO University Cooperative S., Seattle
UNV University ES, Spokane
UPA Univ. Prep. Academy, Seattle
URG Union Ridge ES, Ridgefield
UTS Utsalady, Stanwood
VCC Vancouver Community Christian
VIE View Ridge ES, Seattle
VIL Villa Academy, Seattle
VIS Vista ES, Kennewick
VIW Viewlands ES, Seattle
VLC Valley Christian, Spokane
VMS View Ridge MS, Ridgefield
VST Vista MS, Ferndale
VVE Valley View ES, Ellensburg
VVH Valley View ES, SeaTac
VVM Valley View Middle School
WAH Wahkiakum MS-HS, Cathlamet
WAI Wainright ES, Tacoma
WAL Walker MS, Salem, Oregon
WAS Washington MS, Yakima
WAT Waitsburg ES
WDB Woodbrook ES, Lakewood
WDH Wide Hollow ES, Yakima
WDL Woodland MS, Spokane
WDM Woodmoor ES, Bothell
WDV Woodinville HS
WED Wedgwood ES, Seattle
WEL Wellington ES, Woodinville
WES West Seattle HS
WGR Walnut Grove ES, Vancouver
WHC Whatcom Home School, Lynden
WHI Whitman MS, Seattle
WHM Whatcom MS, Bellingham
WHN School Code Not Recognized
WHR Whittier ES, Seattle
WHT Whitman ES, Tacoma
WIL Wilson ES, Spokane
WIN Windsor ES, Spokane
WIT Whittier ES, Pasco
WIW Wm. E. Wiley ES, Richland
WJH Waitsburg JHS
WLD Wilder ES, Woodinville
WLR Waller Rd ES, Puyallup
WLW Wildwood HS, Vancouver
WME West Mercer ES, Mercer Island
WMO Washington MS, Olympia
WMS Washington MS, Seattle
WOB Woodridge ES, Bellevue
WOD Woodrige ES, Spokane
WOI Westover Institute, Spokane
WOL Woodland ES, Lacey
WOM School Code Not Recognized
WOO Woodland ES, Puyallup
WOW Woodward MS
WPT Wapato HS
WSA West Sound Academy, Port Townsend
WSD WA School for the Deaf
WSH West Salem HS, Salem, Oregon
WST Westside ES
WTN Washington ES, Mount Vernon
WVA West Valley HS, Yakima
WVE West View ES, Burlington-Edison
WVH West Valley Homeschool, Yakima
WVM West Valley MS, Yakima
WVY West Valley HS, Spokane
WWD West Woodland ES, Seattle
WWE School Code Not Recognized
WWV Walla Walla Valley Academy
WYE WY'east MS, Vancouver
XXX School unknown
YHS Yakima Homelink
YTS Yakama Tribal School, Toppenish
ZEI Zeiger ES, Puyallup
ZES Zillah ES
ZIO Zion Prep Academy, Seattle