Queen of Chess Tournament



An all girls Tournament to promote chess for girls in Oregon and the Vancouver Metropolitan Area, Grades K - 6!


Where: Jackson Elementary School

            675 NE Estate Drive

            Hillsboro, OR  97124


Registration:  8:30 a.m. 

Register Online at:  www.chessforsuccess.org/SSL/indreg.asp  AND mail entry form and entry fee to:  Jackson Elementary School; 675 NE Estate Drive, Hillsboro, OR 97124


5 Rounds

Entry Fee:  $30 by mail or at the door



Player Name:  ___________________  School:  ___________________ Grade:  _______


Mailing Address:  _________________________________________________________


Phone:  ____________________  Email Address:  _______________________________


Mail registration to:  Jackson Elementary School; 675 NE Estate Dr; Hillsboro OR 97124

Contact:  Mary Hall at Jackson (503-648-9496); email:  hallmar@hsd.k12.or.us